When you get elevated to the first team you have to take your chance. Last minute SHEFFIELD sub Rob Crawford and Glynn Dobbs both went all-in on 5-2 (7 length) winner Blue Wave for a £250 profit. As for Carl Perry, there has a letter gone to his parents suggesting he is spending too long studying horseracing form and not doing his greyhound homework. (-£100).

At NEWCASTLE, there is one cocky Jimmy strutting about the place for the next 24 hours, and he has a Geordie accent. Wor Jimmy Fenwick went for a £100 straight win on a 7-4 chance and finished the night with a £175 profit. Jock Jimmy Wright will be covering up the tartan until further notice (-£100). (Actually its not Jimmy’s tartan. Angela was a Bay City Rollers fan. ‘Yeah she sang Shang A Lang when she ran with the gang’). Steve Anderson will be burning the lucky pants after he has stopped posing in the mirror. (-£100).



Editors have memories like wives, they have great memories for all your failings. So just in case you have forgotten last week’s efforts gentlemen, I would like to remind you that Sam Linley, your tipping was the equivalent of something that floats on a slurry pit. George Stark and Graham Strike, your tipping was the equivalent of something that feeds off the bottom of a slurry pit. Best of luck lads!

The form

The views:

Sam Linley

George Stark

Tornaroy Bullet (R3 T3) I made this race between 3 and 4, both won A2s last week in time’s that would see most dogs go into A1 however for some reason they have been left in A2. I think Bullet is a more consistent trapper than the 4, can see it trapping and leading all the way. £40 win
Slaney Gypsey (R5 T1) Has been knocking at the door a bit the last few runs, a quick break should see her break her duck tonight!  £30 win
Gotta Pick Her (R11 T3) This bitch looks to have taken slightly longer than usual to return to form following season. But her last few races show she is getting there. She should lead this field and I don’t see anything in this line up picking her up! £30 win


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