Another successful sales concluded at Towcester yesterday with a total of 40 out of the 44 lots sold for a total of £81,200.

There were delays during the trials as the track had hare issues just before the 2nd trial on the morning and then a bizarre incident whereby a member of the track groundstaff team was knocked over by a greyhound just yards out of the traps after he failed to spot his co-worker had already given the all clear for the hare and he attempted to do it again!  The greyhound and member of Towcester staff were both given a clean bill of health afterwards.

Nathan Corden said “We thought it was going to be one of those days to begin with but in the end it turned out to be our second best ever sale in terms of turnover (after the pre-Derby sale in March 2022) so we would like to thank everyone for their patience yesterday both those at the track and those watching online as the issues were completely out of our hands.”

James Corden added “It was pleasing to see our new vendors have a successful sale with all the Droopys, Tommys and Kilbreedy greyhounds selling.”

Top lot was Tommys Cruiser at £9,300 and is set to join the kennels of Gary Griffiths at Monmore and the average selling price was a higher than normal £2,030 per greyhound.

The next Greyhound Trader sale will take place at Yarmouth on Thursday 3rd November.

Top lot: Tommys Cruiser