East Anglian Derby Final

The 78th East Anglian Derby takes place at Yarmouth this evening sponsored by Click Competitions. An event steeped in history as racegoers and holiday makers head to Yarmouth. That makes it their busiest and best evening of greyhound racing of the year.

Trap One – Druids Say Go
Droopys Sydney – Druids Diana, Sep 21
Value Racing Club – Patrick Janssens

Has been faultless throughout the competition. She put in two dominant displays from the front in the heats and semi-final. Those will see her going off odds on favourite for the decider. The draw has worked in her favour being housed on the inside in all three rounds. With a middle runner seeded rails on her immediate outside in trap two, she should get all the room she needs to show her early pace to lead at the bend. She is the one to beat and a deserved favourite. A level break can see her lead at the first bend and go on to win.

Trap Two – Trumpers Bobcat
Dorotas Wildcat – Trumpers Pebbles, Aug 22
Mr S Carter & Mr K Cobbold – Kevin Cobbold

The first of three locally trained runners. He has two second place finishes so far in the competition so will be looking to go one better at a big price. The problem for this dog is he turned right out of trap three last week. You can expect the same and more from him in trap two this evening. He is going to have to fly out of the traps and then can possibly dictate what line he takes to the first bend. However, that isn’t going to be easy with early on his inside and immediate outside.

Trap Three – Murrow Inkosi
Pestana – Lemon Stacey, Jun 22
Mr RJ Barnes, Mr KG Henson, Mr K Waring – Richard Fitch

The second locally trained greyhound is also one of three unbeaten rivals heading into tonight’s final. He has been extremely game throughout, showing his local track craft to go past dogs at key stages in the race to go on and win. He needs to track cleverly this evening though with the aforementioned Trumpers Bobcat on his immediate inside. Trap two will undoubtedly move towards the middle from the moment the traps open so Murrow Inkosi has got two ways of getting competitive. Either out trapping his rival on his inside or missing the break and allowing mistakes to happen in front of him. However the race pans out, he has done connections proud making it to this prestigious final.

Trap Four – Nowhere To Go
Broadstrand Bono – Sams Elle, Aug 22
Miss SM Johnson & Mr JD Scofield – Sally Johnson

A newcomer on the block. Like Trumpers Bobcat he heads into the final off the back of two second place finishes, including last week when behind Druids Say Go. He has been big prices on both occasions but is here on merit staying on well to see off some classy rivals. A 27.79 trial prior to the competition getting underway shows how fast this dog is. Although he is going to need a slice of luck, he comes here with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Trap Five – Swift Depot
Malachi – Swift Causeway, Jun 22
Mr CS Mason – John Mullins

Locally trained runner number three and the third unbeaten finalist. His power packed finishes make him the dog everyone will fear if he is lurking heading into the third and fourth bend. He’s a versatile type who deals with any trap draw thrown at him so connections will be hoping he can come off the second bend unscathed and give chase to whoever is in front of him. Although the distance is 462 metres, it is a long run for home off the last bend so it comes as no surprise to see this strong running type take his place in the final.

Trap Six – Getup Me Son
Ballymac Cashout – Skirk Grace, Apr 22
Mr DB Ornstein – Carol Weatherall

Is yet to win in the competition with a third in round one followed up by a much improved performance in round two when leading off the last bend to be reeled in by Murrow Inkosi. For a dog who is full of early pace, however, he hasn’t had the luxury of leading from the first bend where he would then show how good he can be. His middle pace in the semi final took him to the front at the third bend before tying up. Connections will be hoping for a ping break and a missed break from dogs inside him. In that scenario, he can lead and then it’s who turns where behind him.


A brilliant renewal of the East Anglian Derby. There are trainers involved who have tasted success in the past as well as heartache in recent years. I have to be with Druids Say Go on the inside who has a draw to die for. If she and Trumpers Bobcat were drawn the other way around I would be looking elsewhere but she is going to have so much room to the first bend. With her early pace I can’t see her not leading coming out the second bend.

Getup Me Son would be a big player if managing to lead early as he is a different dog when able to dominate. Swift Depot’s connections will be hoping he is close enough heading for home. He could then swoop late to give John Mullins a second East Anglian Derby Success. Trumpers Bobcat, Murrow Inkosi and Nowhere To Go all need a slice of luck to win this. So, I am with Druids Say Go over Swift Depot and Getup Me Son.