The first signs of a ‘gearing up’ process in preparation for the forthcoming ARC/SIS battle has appeared with Central Park (see below) inviting applications for a variety of jobs within the stadium including new trainers writes Floyd Amphlett.

As discussed in Monday’s Editors Chair, it seems likely that tracks will be divided into two groups, each attempting to provide their own BAGS service for the betting shops from January. A number of tracks will attempt to significantly increase their number of race meetings but it will take many months to acquire the additional trainers and qualify their runners.

In addition, more managements will need to raise their game to the professional standard of tracks like Romford where different teams of stadium staff are required, in rotation, to produce the numbers of race and trial meetings required each week.

Unfortunately, all sides seem to be operating gagging orders, so it is impossible to judge how much each track is looking to expand its fixture list. I would expect that every track signed up to either service will be asked to provide at least one extra meeting per week. Some will struggle. Others, like Towcester, have plenty of spare capacity, if they can hold onto it.

Certainly one promoter I spoke to earlier this week referred to another racing office already approaching trainers at his track with offers of increased prize money and benefits.

There are clearly not enough greyhounds and trainers available to fill the void. Prepare for an interesting few months . . . .


Central Park Stadium

is seeking to grow its team to meet the needs of an ever increasing race programme and the expansion of its business. We are looking for experienced personnel, in all areas, that can assist in our growth and who can demonstrate a desire and enthusiasm to compliment our ambitions in the constantly challenging world of greyhound racing.

If you feel you have the relevant skills in the areas of the racing office,

paddock, catering, track or general management then send an email to explaining why you think we should consider you together with details of your previous experience. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Central Park is situated in the fast expanding Borough of Swale, close to the channel tunnel, the medieval town of Faversham and the seaside resort of Whitstable. It is an ideal place to live and for the right candidates we would consider offering relocation assistance.

We are also looking for professional greyhound trainers to provide greyhounds to meet a demanding weekly race programme. Applicants should be able demonstrate that they can build a strength of at least 20 greyhounds and have the ambition and desire to grow their business alongside ours.