The Council does acknowledge the historic and social value of this site as the first stadium of this nature in the country, and the general history of the Belle Vue area of the City including the former Zoo that has long been redeveloped. The Council also acknowledges that this is the last remaining stadium for greyhound racing and stock car racing in the North West and the proposal will result in the total loss of this non-designated heritage asset. However, on balance, the harm from this total loss only has local significance and it is not considered that the scale of the harm would warrant the refusal of planning permission for the redevelopment of the site for family housing.

The above statement is just one of a number within the application to redevelop Belle Vue Stadium that is likely to cause serious concern for greyhound supporters in the North West – writes Floyd Amphlett.

The decision of the council to determine the fate of Britain’s oldest greyhound track will take place at Manchester Town Hall next Thursday. The local planning officer has recommended to the planning committee that permission should be given to build 80 apartments and 167 houses.

The application lists the dozens of issues and submissions over the course of 92 pages which can be read on-line – see the link at the bottom of the page.

In addition to the significant submission above, various items are of interest. They include:

  • the failure of GRA to provide proof of viability of the business which would affect its status for an ACV (Asset of Community Value)
  • the change of tack by Sports England who originally challenged the application but then determined that their remit did not extend to a greyhound/motor sport facility.
  • the fact that the landowner Crown Estates have been in a position – since 2018 – to give six months notice to the tenant of their plan to demolish the site. In addition, that agreement was with GRA Holdings Ltd, not the new owners, ARC.
  • Dismissals of the site for its architectural or historic interest

The application concludes with the follow recommendation:


MINDED TO APPROVE subject to the signing of a legal agreement for a the delivery of affordable housing at the site.

The full application: